PROTO Animated Text

To print out text with the plugin, your UI must place text within a ProtoRichTextBlock widget.

To print-out, the following is required:

  • A Text Style, defined in a Data Table, and referenced by the ProtoRichTextBlock.
  • Text marked-up with <text> tags.

Text Style Setup

Text Styles for ProtoRichTextBlocks are set up similarly to normal RichTextBlocks.

To set up a Text Style, create a Data Table asset with the row structure ProtoRichTextStyleRow.

Add at least one style to the Data Table, and give the row a name.

You can name the row "Default" to make that style be used by-default when one isn't specified.

Hook up the ProtoRichTextBlock

To make a ProtoRichTextBlock use your Text Styles, find the property Proto Text Style Set, and set this property to your new Data Table.

Make sure you always use the Proto Text Style Set property, and not the Text Style Set property.

(Unfortunately, the plugin doesn't have a way to hide the inherited Text Style Set property.)

Text Mark-Up

A ProtoRichTextBlock can only animate text that is wrapped in the following mark-up:

<text style=”MyStyle”>...</>

or for short:

<t s=”MyStyle”>...</>

  • The text tag invokes a special Decorator within ProtoRichTextBlock.
  • The style=”MyStyle” metadata tells the Decorator to use the Text Style called “MyStyle”.
    • If you omit the style metadata, this run will use your default Text Style, if one exists.

Printing Out in Blueprint

Now you have what you need to print out your text.

In the Blueprint for your UI, reference your ProtoRichTextBlock as a variable and call the function PrintLetterByLetter.

Tweaking the Printout

The printout has a number of tweakable parameters, found in your Text Style .

Print Letter Animation Time

How many seconds the letter print animation takes when printing letter-by-letter

This only affects the data sent to font materials, so this only has an effect if using the CharPrintPercent value from the ProtoRichText_Data node.

Print Letter Interval

How many seconds to wait between letters when printing letter-by-letter.

Use Advanced Print Intervals

Enable advanced print intervals for certain characters.

Comma Interval

How many seconds to wait after a comma when printing letter-by-letter.

Sentence Interval

How many seconds to wait after a sentence when printing letter-by-letter.

Ellipsis Interval

How many seconds to wait after each period in an ellipsis when printing letter-by-letter.

Mid Word Dash Interval

How many seconds to wait after a dash mid-word when printing letter-by-letter.

Space Interval

How many seconds to wait after a spaces when printing letter-by-letter.