Blueprint Params and Functions
This page lists the parameters, functions, and events available to users of the plugin.
Child class of Epic’s default RichTextBlock.
The text widget that can contain animated rich text.
Notable Parameters
A Data Table containing text style settings for this rich text, with extra parameters for ProtoRichTextBlock.
A Data Table containing widget style settings for this rich text.
A Data Table containing image style settings for this rich text.
If true, override the PrintLetterInterval from the Proto Text Style with one specified below (Print Letter Interval).
How many seconds to wait between letters when printing letter-by-letter.
If true, override the PrintLetterAnimationTime from the Proto Text Style with one specified below (Print Letter Animation Time)
How many seconds the letter print animation takes when printing letter-by-letter.
Blueprint Functions
Play a letter-by-letter animation revealing the current text in this widget.
Returns true if this text box is currently printing letter-by-letter.
Sets text alpha to 0.0.
Sets text alpha to 1.0.
Helper function to override PrintLetterInterval. Call ClearPrintLetterIntervalOverride to clear.
Clear override to PrintLetterInterval set by OverridePrintLetterInterval.
Blueprint Events
Called when this text begins printing letter-by-letter.
Called each time a character is printed in a letter-by-letter print.
Called when this text finishes printing letter-by-letter.
Called when the letter-by-letter print pauses for a long-interval character.
Called when the letter-by-letter print resumes after pausing for a long-interval character.
Called when the letter-by-letter print reaches the first character of a new text block.
Provides the name of the Text Style for this block.
Called when an in-line Widget is clicked.
Called when an in-line Widget is pressed.
Called when an in-line Widget is released.
Called when an in-line Widget is hovered.
Called when an in-line Widget is un-hovered.
Child class of UserWidget.
Able to send events through a ProtoRichTextBlock when inserted in-line in text.
Blueprint Functions
Call to broadcast an OnClick event to a ProtoRichTextBlock.
Call to broadcast an OnPressed event to a ProtoRichTextBlock.
Call to broadcast an OnReleased event to a ProtoRichTextBlock.
Call to broadcast an OnHovered event to a ProtoRichTextBlock.
Call to broadcast an OnUnhovered event to a ProtoRichTextBlock.