PROTO Animated Text

Known Issues with the latest build of the plugin, and known workarounds.

Right-to-Left Languages Not Supported for Printing Letter-by-Letter

Effects all Engine builds

Right-to-Left languages like Arabic will not print letter-by-letter correctly.

This feature is not supported on these languages.


You can edit markup in localized strings to opt these languages out of plugin features to still render like normal Rich Text.

Shadow Offset Not Supported

Effects all Engine builds

The “Shadow Offset” feature of Epic’s Rich Text is ignored when ProtoRichText is wrapped markup for animation.

This feature is not supported.


This may be impractical for large bodies of text, but it is possible to have duplicate ProtoRichTextBlocks on top of one another, with different Font Materials. The block in back can have its Font Material offset its text to create a shadow effect.

You can see an example similar to this in the “ExampleAnimatedLogo” widget included in the plugin. This logo uses multiple ProtoRichTextBlocks to create a complex border around letters.