PROTO Animated Text

Latest available builds, and history of changes.

Latest Available Builds

Latest (V1.03)

  • UE5.1, UE5.2, UE5.3, UE5.4

Legacy (V1.02)

  • UE4.27, UE5.0

Details and History


  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed bug where “Letter By Letter Print” settings in a ProtoTextStyle were ignored when using the shorted tag for text blocks.
    • Fixed a crash when entering an in block without a valid "id" metadata block.
    • Fixed images after the first failing to appear during PrintLetterByLetter
    • Fixed issues with widgets failing to appear / appearing too soon when duplicate widgets don’t have unique “name” markup.


  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed ProtoRichTextBlocks not initializing correctly when dragged into 2D view instead of hierarchy in UMG Editor.
    • Fixed DataTable properties in ProtoRichTextBlock not allowing valid assets in 5.1.
    • Added various defensive checks in code to throw errors rather than crash in unexpected circumstances.


  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when calling SetText on text that was not currently visible.


  • Initial release.