PROTO Game Asset Tools

Everything you need for easy, bug-free exports for game engines. Specifically fixes issues with exports for Unreal.

This is a free Blender add-on I made when I discovered that a bug-free Blender-to-Unreal pipeline was impossible without paid add-ons. I also wanted to improve the workflow for game assets.

Features Include:

  • Quick Export buttons with correct settings for meshes and animations.
    • This add-on wraps Blender’s default FBX exporter with additional features, such as baked-in unit conversions for engines like Unreal.
  • Batch export all animations (Blender Actions) with 1 FBX file per-animation.
  • Quick Action panel for managing Blender Actions without diving into obscure menus.
  • Per-channel vertex painting tools, including converting Vertex Groups into colors.


Get started

To get started, read the Installation guide, or check out the table of contents to the left.


Get help or report issues at the add-on’s thread:
